Tuesday, November 25, 2008


So yesterday, we drove from Copenhagen to Stockholm, a 600 and some odd Km journey, taking about nine hours. It was our longest journey yet for this tour. Fortunately, we did not have a show last night for the first time in a week, which was nice. Instead we had a major snow fight. I was sopping wet by time I finally came inside. Anyhow, today, we had a ton of free time since we traveled yesterday, so we went on an awesome journey all around Stockholm. Bought a 24 hours bus/train/metro ticket and traipsed around the whole city. I'm pretty sure we walked up and down every single street in Stockholm, at least that's what it felt like.

The residential palace -- where the Royal family of Sweden lives.

After the show, we had the tough decision between hanging out backstage at the Black Label Society concert because somehow over the two days we were here, we became friends with this crazy heavy metal band (from California!) since they were staying in our hotel and we have the whole living on the road thing in common, or an ice bar. We chose the ice bar. Sounded a lot safer. So yeah, that's me and my fellow American - Kirsten!

And this is me and my adopted big bro - Barry, the tenor from Longford in Ireland.

A sweet medieval street in Stockholm with my lovely Lenister's Lord parter -- Jack from Scotland.

I love the snowwww!! ack!!


ps. I'm coming home Dec 2!! Cant wait to see the fam, the sun, and eat some In'n out burger!


molly said...

YAY LAURA! I'm excited to see you. I come home on the 12th.

Sweden sounds amazing. I can't wait to study in Stockholm...you'll have to tell me all about it :)

auds said...

dude. where'd you get those awesome sleek blue poncho things? and what's a lenister's lord parter?

sounds like super amazingness to the max. though im super bummed I can't see you because you're back on your tour before I get back to the bay...

Unknown said...

How long are you back in December??? I'm in Ecuador from the 18th to the 29th...and I miss you!

Stelle said...