The bus! More like our home for five weeks. As well as the trans-siberan railway. Often times we would do a show, go back to the hotel, and then hop on the bus around midnight for an overnight bus journey, where we would arrive in the morning and sleep through the day. Apparently though, we only do that in Russia. I'm looking forward to our next tour in Holland, Denmark, and Sweden where we spend less time on the bus.
My roommate Natalie and I sightseeing in Kazan.
Enjoying cup of noodles, our typical catering at the venues. This picture is from early on in the tour though. I couldn't even look at a cup of noodles after about the first week. So, I mostly ate whatever else was provided like bread and cheese and fruit. Let's just say our eating habits in Russia were eradic. Breakfast usually was some sort of raw fish as well as yogurt, fruit, and cheese unless we were traveling or sleeping and then we didn't eat much after that. Whenever the bus passed a McDonalds though, everybody freaked out and demanded the bus to stop immediately.
Most of the girls during intermission.
Me and Natalie sightseeing in Moscow.
A typical venue. Most of the venues were actually pretty nice! The one in St. Petersburg was the best though. I don't have a picture of it, but it held 4000 people. We had two sold out shows that day. It was incredible! It also helped quite a bit that the Russian audiences were fabulous. They loved us! It was quite a nice feeling. After the show, they would wait for us at the stage door and want autographs and pictures. All in all, they made us feel very loved.
Anyhow, I have so much to fill you in on! It's getting late now though, so more updates tomorrow! I miss everybody so much!
Tons of love,
!!! It's so fun hearing about your travels =] Were there any cute little kids who asked for your autograph?
!!!!! Russia looks beautiful! Keep updating us :D
omg this sounds INCREDIBLE. the end. :) tons of love, auds
yay sweden
amazing! wonderful! this sounds like the adventure of a lifetime.
did you meet any cute russian boys? :D
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