Monday, September 1, 2008

She's Leaving Home

So, this is it! I leave for Dublin in four days and have never felt such a myriad of emotions. Mostly, I am excited, but of course, as is for most teenagers, leaving home for the first time is bittersweet.

So how did I get this sweet gig you might be wondering. Mostly by listening to my heart, as cheesy as it sounds. And when it was looking like it wasn't going to happen, I held the words of Randy Pausch (RIP) close to my heart. "Be thankful for brick walls," he says. "They're there for a reason. They let us prove how badly we want things" I wanted this pretty badly, and for quite a while too.

So basically, the lovely Jane (Teacher), graciously accompanied me to my audition in the loveliest place in the world -- Tennessee. Not only is Tennessee, Dollywood, and its surrounding area the most magical, beautiful, place in the world, it smells good too! What's more? I got the job! So since that weekend in May, not only have I been obsessed with Tennessee, but more importantly anxiously awaiting my new job with Rhythm of the Dance.

Obviously this couldn't of happened without some very fabulous people. First, the fam. Thanks for driving me to endless dance classes and putting up with hundreds of feises and the ridiculous drama that accompanies any competitive activity, as well as always loving me no matter what. Next, I want to thank my dance teachers for providing me with the skillz and confidence to get this job. Also, I would like to thank my teachers over the years who have shown me what it is like to be passionate about your work as well as encouraging me to follow my heart and my dreams. And of course, my friends -- thanks for listening to me stress, whine, and complain trying to figure out what I want as well as never giving up on me.

Anyhow, now to tackle packing a for a year's travel in one suitcase.


CDXsharkie said...

LAURA! good luck on your trip!! and have an awesome time traveling the world. can't wait to hear about all the crazy experiences you have

Shan said...

Ditto what kiddecks said! hope you make enough money so that the four of us can rock out our india trip next year!! :D

auds said...

good luck, and be safe my little pizookie. we'll miss you tons for sure.

p.s. don't forget to take a million and a half pictures! too bad we can't be pen pals along the way...

グウィニー said...

Stay safe girl, and don't forget how proud I am that you're following your dreams. Stay smart, stay gutsy, and STAY IN TOUCH! Love you sis =]

Unknown said...

Woohoo you got a blog! I love the name.

Good luck in your dance tour, in case I don't get a chance to talk to you before you leave... and don't forget to learn russian so you can teach me! :P

VyVy said...

soooo exciting. i love you so much. i cannot believe this is actually happening, and so damn SOON! LOVE YOU, have a beautiful safe time...

gomibako said...
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gomibako said...

LAURRRRA. It's the Bob.
I'm so excited for you! I'll definitely be visiting this page to see how you're doing.
We never got to eat sushi. But it's still on the agenda. Have lots of fun!

Anonymous said...
