Sunday, April 19, 2009

France & Italy (one month late....)

Right, so how did this happen? One day on tour, Kristen and I were discussing our plans for when tour ended in Germany. I told her I'd always wanted to go to Italy. She said she had too! We figured we had a good opportunity because who knows the next time you will be in Europe, with an income, time, and willing friends? And so it was! We later recruited the third and last American, Nicole to come along with us, as well as Gillian, our Irish belle.

We spent 3 days in Paris and nearly two weeks on a tour of Italy. We street preformed along the way to defer costs. We met some fabulous people and stayed in some really fun hostels! The trip was definitley on the cheap! Hostels averaged about 17 euro a night each. Unfortunately, Nicole's camera, the only legitimate video camera we had broke our second day in Italy, so the montage is lacking a good portion of our trip. :(

As far as future tours, I head to Dublin on the 13th of May, a couple days before rehearsals begin, to kick it in Waterford with Gillian. We then have about two weeks in Athens, Greece. Unfortunately, our summer season in Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Caledonia, Azores Islands, and Spain got canceled due to the lovely economy. It's the first time in 10 years the show has not had a summer season. :( On the bright side , I guess, there is a full tour lined up for next year, starting in September (which includes a month-long American tour that stops in SAN FRANCISCO). Alas, I will be in school. :( :( :( :) ?


グウィニー said...

BAH, this made me miss you SO MUCH. This is so unfair--you leave 5 days after I get back, and then I'm gone for most of July =[ Bah!!! We'd better hang out as much as possible when we're both in Cali, and I can't wait to see you again. Love and miss you TONS, sis!

auds said...

omgomgomg. i LOVE THE FILM CLIPPPPP. especially all the dancing bits. and the dancing in the streets. yayyyyyyy i would say i miss you, but I just saw you like 5 hours or so ago. hehehhe. :) <3